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21 days in May
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The Blasphemy Delusion

If you have not seen "Who Framed Roger Rabbit", firstly welcome to Earth, we are not as bad as we seem, please don't kill and eat us. And secondly, the Pat-a-Cake sub-plot is a great illustration, whether it was intended as such or not, for the offence of Blasphemy.
This clip shows the leap to judgment the audience makes about the Pat-a-Cake plot.

We hear the words Pat-a-Cake and assume, from our previous experience alone, that it is a metaphor for 'sex'; that Jessica is doing the dirty on Roger with RK Maroon.
Yet, we discover, ALL the sexual liaisons between the assumed adulteress and her lover were only in our heads, only our misinterpretation of the hard facts supplied and misjudgement thereby.
It's exactly the same with blasphemy, ALL the offence takes place in the head of the observer.
If you've not seen the film, it's well worth a watch.

Hey, I've just thought, isn't the simple fact that we have a day called 'blasphemy day' indicative of the oppression we, who cannot see "the Emperor's new clothes"(god), must endure in this world that is bursting with religions of 'peace'?

The Emperor's new clothes


Is really possible to give offence?
Surely it's only possible to take offence?
This is one of the Too Many Questions

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If you enjoy what you read here
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21 days in May

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