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21 days in May
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Against Blasphemy Laws

Blasphemy Hmmm, it's all just nonsense really, but recently Irelands Politicos have gone a little nuts and ressurrected an archaic law. More at http://blasphemy.ie/

So, I thought maybe I could contribute some generalised thinks on blasphemy.

I find no way to prove blasphemy!!! - I understand that it's possible to prove that this or that person was offended, though the extent of that offence is personal, and therefore difficult to correctly categorize or quantify.
But to prove blasphemy itself?

Surely it must be proven that a crime has occurred before a person can be convicted of committing the crime?
If so, then I feel that the offended party should first have to prove that the words could have offended the god or gods of the offended religion, then prove that those words did actually offend said deity.
And, as a 'religious authority' is not 'the deity', it cannot pretend it is of sufficient affinity with it's 'almighty' as to presume to speak directly for him/her/them, the religious authority's claim of blasphemy must therefore be seen as no more than opinion, for any more than that and the 'Religious Authority' itself becomes Blasphemous by presuming to know the mind of its God.
Without god's direct testimony that he was offended, surely no crime has been proved to have been committed.
Which I feel brings one reasonably to the conclusion - If one is accused of blasphemy, could one make a legitimate defence of Omniscient Corpus Delicti?
Just as you wouldn't lock someone up for suggesting that Snow White's relationship with the dwarves was sexually perverse, how can you convict someone for disrespecting a god which has no more substance than any other fairy tale?
Corpus delicti (Latin: "body of crime")
From Western jurisprudence:
The principle that it must be proven that a crime has occurred before a person can be convicted of committing the crime.

If there are blasphemy laws to protect the delicate sensibilities of the, indelicately, non-sensical, then surely it would only be right and fair to have anti-blasphemy laws to protect those conversly afflicted.
An Anti-Blasphemy Law would ensure that no theist would be able to offend a nontheist by holding up a deity as worthy of worship. This would of course require citizens to remove all religio-spiritual bling, so as not to subject themselves to prosecution for AAB - Accidental Anti-Blasphemy.

This is one of the Too many questions

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21 days in May

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